23 March 2020

Kidney Stone Diet: Which Foods Can Cause Kidney Stones


Kidney Stone Diet: Which Foods Can Cause Kidney Stones

Kidney stones occur when substances such as calcium oxalate, uric acid, and cystine start forming in high amounts in the urine and don't get dissolved.
Kidney stones can also develop in your urethra, bladder and ureters. There are different types of kidney stones and each type is made of calcium oxalate, uric acid, calcium phosphate, struvite and cystine. Eating certain foods can increase the risk of developing kidney stones.
foods cause kidney stones

Read on to know the foods that can increase the risk of developing kidney stones.

Calcium Oxalate Kidney Stones

Oxalate is a substance that is naturally found in many foods. Your kidneys flush out waste from the body through urine and if there is excess waste and less urine, oxalate crystals start forming. Excess oxalate can bind with calcium and form crystals in the urine, thereby leading to the development of calcium oxalate kidney stones.
Foods that cause calcium oxalate stones are:

1. Spinach

Spinach contains moderate amounts of soluble and insoluble oxalate. According to a study, 100 g of frozen spinach found in New Zealand has about 90 mg of calcium and 76.7% of this calcium was not found because it was bound to oxalate as insoluble oxalate. When the frozen spinach was grilled, there was no way for the soluble oxalates to leach out into the cooking water that is discarded [1].
However, consuming calcium-rich foods with spinach significantly reduces the absorption of soluble oxalate.
How much to consume: Limit to ¼ cup cooked or ½ cup raw spinach; avoid other high oxalate foods.

2. Beetroot

Beetroot, beet greens and beetroot powder are high in oxalate and may increase the risk of kidney stone formation. Therefore, people who have a tendency to develop kidney stones or gallstones should minimize beetroot consumption.
How much to consume: Limit to ½ cup cooked beetroot, avoid juiced form; avoid other high oxalate foods.

3. Swiss chard

Swiss chard is also a moderate source of oxalate. The young leaves of Swiss chard contain lower levels of oxalate than mature leaves. The oxalate content of Swiss chard can be reduced by soaking, boiling and stir-frying.
How much to consume: Have ½ cup raw or ¼ cup cooked Swiss chard per day.

4. Rhubarb

Rhubarb is another vegetable that contains high amounts of oxalate. Boiling and steaming rhubarb in water or cooking it in milk can reduce soluble oxalate content in rhubarb [2].
How much to consume: Limit to ½ cup cooked rhubarb; avoid other high oxalate foods.

5. Kale

Kale is a green leafy vegetable rich in oxalate, which if consumed in excess can cause kidney stones. So, people who are prone to kidney stones should avoid consuming it in large amounts.
How much to consume: Limit to ½ cup raw kale; avoid other high oxalate foods

6. Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes contain moderate amounts of oxalate, therefore, people with kidney problems should stop eating sweet potatoes or should limit their consumption.

7. Peanuts

Peanuts are a common food that is enjoyed as a snack. 100 g of roasted peanuts provide about 187.0 mg of oxalate and studies have shown that peanuts can cause oxalate nephropathy. Oxalate nephropathy is caused when oxalate crystal deposits are formed in the kidneys that lead to inflammation and renal epithelial cell injury [3].

8. Star fruit

Studies have shown that consuming excess amounts of star fruit leads to the development of oxalate nephropathy in patients with normal and abnormal baseline renal function [4].

9. Cocoa powder

According to a study, cocoa powder obtained from organically grown cocoa beans contain less oxalates than the cocoa powder obtained from cocoa beans grown conventionally. Cocoa and cocoa processed products tend to have high oxalate content, therefore people suffering from kidney stones should limit the consumption [5].

10. Almonds

People who suffer from kidney problems should avoid consuming almonds in excess because these nuts are also high in both soluble and insoluble oxalates [6].
How much to consume: Limit to 2 tablespoons raw/roasted almonds.

11. Cashews

Cashew nuts are also known to have good amounts of oxalate. Consuming cashew nuts excessively will increase the oxalate content in your body.
How much to consume: Limit to 2 tablespoons raw/roasted cashews.

12. Raspberries

Raspberries are rich in oxalate which can lead to the development of kidney stones. They also contain vitamin C, which can lead to the development of kidney stones [7].
How much to consume: Limit to ½ cup fresh raspberries.

13. Black beans

Black beans have a high oxalate content. Boiling black beans can reduce the oxalate level as the oxalate is leached into the water while boiling.
How much to consume: Limit to ½ cup cooked black beans.

Calcium Phosphate Kidney Stones

When calcium in the urine binds with phosphorus, it forms calcium phosphate kidney stones. 
Foods that cause calcium phosphate stones are:
1. Dairy products
Milk, cheese and other dairy products can cause calcium phosphate kidney stones, which forms when the calcium in the urine combines with the mineral phosphorus.
How much to consume: Limit to 1 serving of dairy per day.

2. Eggs

Eggs are a source of animal protein that can contribute to the development of calcium phosphate kidney stones. So, limit the consumption of eggs.
How much to consume: Limit to 1-2 eggs per day.

3. Seafood

Seafood is another rich protein source that can cause calcium phosphate kidney stones. So, limit your consumption of seafood if you are suffering from kidney problems.

Uric Acid Kidney Stones

Purines, a natural chemical found in certain foods can cause uric acid kidney stones. Higher intake of purine-rich food leads to an increased production of uric acid which in turn makes your urine acidic, and causes kidney stones. 
Foods that cause uric acid stones are:
1. Red meat
Consuming excess red meat increases the level of uric acid that could possibly lead to the development of kidney stones. It is because red meat contains high amounts of purines, a chemical compound naturally present in red meat.
How much to consume: Limit red meat consumption to 1-2 servings a week.

2. Shellfish

Shellfish also contains high amounts of purines which leads to an increase in uric acid levels and creates a larger acid load for the kidneys to excrete. This leads to the development of kidney stones.
How much to consume: Limit to 1-2 servings per week.

Cystine Kidney Stones

It is caused by a rare disorder called cystinuria, which produces a natural substance called cystine to leak into your urine. Excess cystine in the urine causes cystine kidney stones.
Salty foods such as French fries, canned soup and processed meat are rich in sodium, which can trigger the formation of cystine kidney stones. Reduce the amount of sodium in your cooking.
How much sodium to consume per day: Limit sodium intake to 2300 mg per day; the equivalent of ½ teaspoon.
To Conclude...
If you suffer from kidney problems, be mindful when it comes to choosing the right kind of food, especially the ones described above. Talk to your doctor to know which foods you should stay away from to prevent the development of kidney stones.
Common FAQs
What is the best food to eat when you have kidney stones?
Eat lemons, consume less salt, have calcium-rich foods, eat fruits, consume lean protein foods and drink plenty of water.
Are bananas good for kidney stones?
Bananas have high magnesium and potassium content that can help prevent the formation of kidney stones.
Is almond milk bad for kidney stones?
Almond milk contains excessive amounts of calcium oxalate, therefore people who are prone to kidney stones should avoid consuming it.
What kind of tea causes kidney stones?
Drinking black tea and iced tea can increase the risk of kidney stones.
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Kidney Stones: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment And Prevention By Shivangi Karn on November 21, 2019 | Reviewed By Alex Maliekal Kidney stones (renal lithiasis or nephrolithiasis) are one of the most common illnesses in India. The main function of the kidney is to flush out all the excess water and blood impurities in the form of urine [1] . Certain substances like calcium oxalate, amino acids, and uric acid are left behind in the form of tiny particles and when the concentration of those accumulated substances increases, they get converted into hard and sharp crystalline stones known as kidney stones. Kidney stones up to the size 3 mm, can pass through urine but bigger kidney stones can create extreme pain and blood discharge in the urine. The pain is caused when the stones get stuck in the ureter, a tube that connects the kidney and the bladder, and block the passage of the urine [2] . Kidney stones can also grow to the size of a golf ball. Types Of Kidney Stones Calcium stones: Such stones are usually caused due to the buildup of calcium oxalate, a naturally occurring compound in foods like spinach, almonds, grits and cocoa powder. Cystine stones: Cystine stones are as a result of a hereditary disorder (cystinuria) in which the kidney excretes an excessive amount of amino acid in the urine [3] . Uric acid stones: Such type of stones are formed in people who usually don't drink enough water or loses too much water, consume high protein diet and suffers from gout. Struvite stones: Such type of stones occur as a result of an infection like urinary tract infection. In this condition, the stones grow quickly and unnoticeably. Symptoms Of Kidney Stones The symptoms of kidney stones depend on their size. If the kidney stones are smaller in size, they won't create much trouble and will pass easily through the urine. The large-sized kidney stones move towards the ureter and block the path between the kidney and the bladder. Under this condition, a person experiences the following symptoms: Cloudy/red urine: Urine may become reddish and get a cloudy appearance accompanied by a foul smell. The reddish discolouration of the urine is usually due to injury to either ureter or urethra or even due to kidney injury. The colour varies according to the site.The presence of these bacteria also causes a burning sensation while passing urine. Irritation in the kidney tissues may sometimes lead to red-coloured urine [4] . Loin to groin pain: Pain is one of the basic symptoms of kidney stones. The pain is experienced in the lower abdomen. The pain occurs when ureter tries to push down the stone in the urinary bladder [5] . It is a cramping pain in the lower abdomen, there are also chances of inflammation. Frequent urination: One of the side effects can be a urine infection. The blockage of the urine passage leads to the feeling of incomplete urination. Frequent urination along with pain or burning sensation should not be ignored. Flu-like symptoms: In the advanced stages of the disease, the patient might experience fatigue, fever and body ache. Vaginal pain may also be experienced. It can be treated with home remedies [5] . Causes Of Kidney Stones Several factors lead to the formation of kidney stones in our body. Some of the common causes are as follows: Inadequate amount of fluid intake is one of the basic causes of kidney stones. Less water consumption means less flushing out of waste and growing concentration of other substances, which gradually form the stone [6] . Kidney stones can also be hereditary [7] . Chemical concentration in urine i.e., concentration of calcium, uric acid etc. also leads to the formation of the stone. Obesity is another reason for kidney stones formation as it changes the urine acid levels and leads to stones formation. Urinary tract infections may sometimes be the cause [8] Medical conditions like Crohn's disease, medullary sponge kidney, hyperparathyroidism, and Dent's disease People suffering from inflammatory bowel disease are more likely to suffer. Drugs containing diuretics, calcium, and protease inhibitor: indinavir Surgeries like gastric bypass surgery Complications Of Kidney Stones The most deadly complications on the lookout for kidney stones are hydronephrosis, pyelonephritis, abscess formation and kidney failure. Diagnosis Of Kidney Stones To diagnose for the kidney stones in your body, there are several tests and procedures which need to be followed [9] . The most important factor in diagnosing kidney stone is a physical examination by a doctor and image-based studies. The tests are as follows: Urine test Blood test CT scan or X-ray Ultrasound Intravenous urography Analysis of the passed stones from the kidney Treatment For Kidney Stones Depending upon the type and size of kidney stones, treatment is carried out. The non-invasive treatment of kidney stones include the following: Drinking water up to 2 to 2.8 litres a day [6] . Pain relievers like ibuprofen and naproxen sodium to relieve pain caused due to the stones. Medications like alpha-blocker to relax the ureter muscles for the stones to pass off easily to the bladder [10] . For the large kidney stones, extensive treatment is required which includes the following: Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) to break kidney stones by strong vibrations [11] Surgery for big kidney stones Ureteroscope to break down stones so that it could easily pass through the urine [12] . Parathyroid gland surgery 10 Home Remedies For Kidney Stones How To Prevent Kidney Stones There are certain lifestyle changes with which a person can prevent the formation of kidney stones. The changes are as follows: Don't miss out on the water as less water intake is the primary cause of kidney stones. Opt for minimal salted foods and veggie proteins like legumes. Reduce the intake of oxalate-rich foods like soy products, nuts, etc. Connect to your doctor before starting calcium supplements.

Read more at: https://www.boldsky.com/health/disorders-cure/kidney-stones-types-symptoms-causes-treatment-prevention-129816.html?utm_medium=Mobile&utm_source=BS-EN&utm_campaign=Similar-Topic-Slider


Hyperphosphatemia: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis And Treatment By Devika Bandyopadhya on June 10, 2019 When there is too much phosphate in the blood, the condition is known as hyperphosphatemia [1] . The most common cause of this illness is kidney disease. However, there are other conditions as well that might lead to the phosphate levels going out of balance. Slowing kidney damage is the best way to reduce the risk of hyperphosphatemia [2] . Also, seeking treatment at the earliest along with the required dietary changes and medication can prevent complications arising from this condition. Read on to know more about the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of hyperphosphatemia. What Is Hyperphosphatemia? Phosphate is an electrolyte. This electrically charged substance contains phosphorus, a mineral that occurs naturally in food sources [3] . Phosphorus is essential for one's body as it supports the bones and teeth to develop. It also helps in food turning into energy that the body can use. The functionality of the kidneys aids in controlling the phosphate levels. However, if the working efficiency of the kidneys is affected, then they might not be able to remove the excess phosphate. This leads to high levels of phosphate in the body [1] . High levels of phosphate can lead to bone and muscle problems [2] . It can also increase your risk of strokes and heart attacks. Moreover, a high level of phosphate is most likely an indication of kidney damage. Symptoms Of Hyperphosphatemia People with high levels of phosphate ideally do not show any specific symptoms. However, high levels of phosphate cause calcium levels of the blood to drop [4] . The symptoms of low calcium include the following [5] : Weak bones Muscle cramps Rash Itchy skin Numbness and tingling around the mouth Bone and joint pain Causes Of Hyperphosphatemia Apart from kidney disease being the most common cause of hyperphosphatemia, the following conditions could also be linked to high levels of phosphate in the blood: Hypocalcemia: Indicates low levels of calcium in the blood [6] . Hypoparathyroidism: The body does not produce enough parathyroid hormone [7] . Diabetic ketoacidosis: The body begins to run out of insulin. Harmful ketones build up leading to an abnormal rise in blood sugar levels [8] . Uncontrolled diabetes: Indicates high levels of blood sugar that can lead to organ damage [9] . Blood phosphate levels are also seen to rise abruptly if you receive a phosphorus-containing laxative (for instance, as a preparation for a colonoscopy) [10] . Also, taking phosphate supplements can lead to hyperphosphatemia [11] . Processed foods have added phosphorus to enhance their preservation. Also, a diet high in protein would contain more phosphorus than what the body would require. Complications Of Hyperphosphatemia When calcium combines with phosphate, it leads to low levels of calcium in the blood. Low calcium can increase your risk for [12] : Seizures High parathyroid hormone levels Bone disease (renal osteodystrophy) Diagnosis Of Hyperphosphatemia The doctor would begin the examination after getting to know the complete medical history of the patient followed by a physical examination and sometimes might also recommend a phosphate test. The tests usually carried out include the following: A timed urine sample: The patient will need to collect all of their urine over a period of a set time (usually 24 hours) [13] . Measuring phosphate in the blood [14] : The doctor would insert a needle into a vein in the arm and take a small amount of blood as a sample. This will be sent to the laboratory for testing the levels of phosphate in the liquid part of the blood (plasma). X-ray: This is essential if the patient shows signs of mineral and bone disorder [15] . The x-ray is useful in revealing calcium deposits in organs or veins. The x-ray also helps in identifying if there are any changes in the structure of a person's bones. Usually, people who have problems with their kidneys, such as kidney failure, would need to undergo regular monitoring. This is done so that the presence of hyperphosphatemia can be determined during the routine checks, Treatment Of Hyperphosphatemia The treatment for this condition depends on the underlying cause. The following treatment approaches could be used [16] : In the case of uncontrolled diabetes, it needs to be brought under control through diet, exercise and insulin. A person with hypoparathyroidism would need to take a supplement. This would aim at bringing down the levels of calcium and phosphate in the blood. When hyperphosphatemia is caused due to a kidney disease. A combination of diet and medication is followed to treat it. The aim is to prevent any further damage to the bones. Few doctors prescribe the use of a medication containing calcium, known as a phosphate binder [17] . When taken with a meal, this medication would control the amount of phosphorus that the body would absorb from the food. A person with kidney failure would often need to undergo dialysis to clean the blood of waste products and to remove excess fluid. Kidney dialysis is also able to remove some amount of phosphates from the blood. The following foods are high in phosphorus and therefore, should be limited by a patient suffering from hyperphosphatemia [18] : Red meat Milk Packaged meats Colas Processed cheeses Additives and preservatives Bread Frozen meals Snack products It is necessary to maintain a diet of healthy foods that contain a proper balance of protein and phosphorus. These usually include chicken, fish, nuts, beans and eggs. Apart from diet and dialysis, intake of the following drugs might also help in reducing the amount of phosphate your intestines absorb from foods that you eat [19] : Lanthanum Sevelamer hydrochloride Sevelamer carbonate Calcium-based phosphate binders (calcium carbonate and calcium acetate) Prevention Of Hyperphosphatemia The best way to prevent this condition is by controlling the levels of phosphate and calcium in the body. A person with hyperphosphatemia should avoid processed foods as they often contain phosphorus as a preservative. One should aim at slowing down the kidney disease. Kidneys need to be protected by treating the cause of the kidney damage. High blood pressure can weaken the blood vessels that supply the oxygen-rich blood to the kidneys [20] . Intake of blood pressure medicines can lower the blood pressure and protect the kidneys. Presence of extra fluid in the body can overwhelm the damaged kidneys [21] . Taking a diuretic can help in restoring the correct fluid balance in the body.

Read more at: https://www.boldsky.com/health/disorders-cure/2019/hyperphosphatemia-symptoms-causes-and-treatments-128607.html?utm_medium=Mobile&utm_source=BS-EN&utm_campaign=Similar-Topic-Slider

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