The Dajjal
The following will show as Dr Zahid Aziz states: “Dajjal is not some monstrous superhuman individual, but none other than the materialistic forces of modern Western civilization. Dajjal menace is only another name for the predominance of the false doctrines of Christianity and the dominance of the materialistic outlook on life of the Western nations. In other words, what the hadith describes as the tribulation of Dajjal is nothing else but the predominance of the concept of life of the Christian West.”
Before we take a look at the prophecies concerning the Dajjal (sometimes termed the Anti-Christ), it must be noted first that dreams, visions, and prophecies need not always be interpreted literally, as made clear in light of the Qur’an. For example, the Prophet Joseph (pbuh) had this vision which he related to his father: "I saw eleven stars and the sun and the moon, bowing down before me." (12:4) However, it was not until the latter part of his life, that would understand the significance of this dream, since in his childhood and early adulthood, he led a life a of misery and pain, with banishment and imprisonment, but eventually would come to reach a highly dignified position in Egypt, and be given honor and respect, then realizing the fulfillment of his dream or vision. (12:100).
Or for example, when the Prophet Abraham (pbuh) was about to sacrifice his son, Ishmael, due to a dream which he took literally, Allah revealed to him that he had already fulfilled the vision, signifying that the real sacrifice was not by slaughtering his son, but by in fact having had trust in Allah and under divine commandment leaving him and his wife Hagar all by themselves in Makkah without any support.
Bukhari - Narrated Ibn Abbas: [Hajar said] "O Abraham! Where are you going, leaving us in this valley where there is no person whose company we may enjoy, nor is there anything (to enjoy)?" She repeated that to him many times, but he did not look back at her (probably overwhelmed by feelings). Then she asked him, "Has Allah ordered you to do so?" He said, "Yes." She said, "Then He will not neglect us."
Facing the Ka'bah (in ruins at that time) and raising both hands, Ibrahim a.s. invoked Allah saying the following prayers: "Our Lord, I have settled a part of my offspring in a valley unproductive of fruit near Thy Sacred House, our Lord, that they may keep up prayer; so make the hearts of some people yearn towards them, and provide them with fruits; haply they may be grateful." (Qur'an 14:37)
This truly was a great sacrifice, and was later to be united with his son Ishmael.
In the traditions there are also mention of prophecies and visions, that weren’t taken in the literal sense. For example, we have in Bukhari Volume 2, Book 24, Number 501: Narrated 'Aisha: Some of the wives of the Prophet asked him, "Who amongst us will be the first to follow you (i.e. die after you)?" He said, "Whoever has the longest hand." So they started measuring their hands with a stick and Sauda's hand turned out to be the longest. (When Zainab bint Jahsh died first of all in the caliphate of 'Umar), we came to know that the long hand was a symbol of practicing charity, so she was the first to follow the Prophet and she used to love to practice charity. (Sauda died later in the caliphate of Muawiya).
Before the Battle of Uhud, in which the Muslims had to stand up against a powerful aggressive enemy, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had related a vision beforehand as mentioned in the Traditions, however it was not taken literally as seen.
"I had a vision. I saw a cow, and I also saw my sword with its point broken. I saw the cow being butchered, and that I had put my hand inside a coat of armor. I also saw myself riding a ram." "The butchering of the cow" said the Prophet, "indicates that some of my Companions will be killed in battle. The broken point of my sword indicates that some important one among my relations will meet his death, or maybe, I myself will suffer pain or injury of some kind. Putting my hand in a coat of armor seems to mean that if we stay in Medina it is better for us. The fact that I have seen myself riding a ram means that we will overpower the commander of the disbelievers, and that he will die at our hands" (Bukhari, Hisham and Tabaqat).
Now having understood that prophecies sometime due require interpretation, we may now look at these prophecies concerning the Dajjal. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) stated that in the midst of the trials of the Dajjal one should recite the first and last ten verses of Surah Al-Kahf (The Cave):
Whoever commits to memory the first ten verses of the chapter entitled the Cave will be immune from (the trials of) Dajjal (Al-Muslim 6:42; Abu Dawud; Tirmidhi; Musnad Ahmad.).
Whoever recites the last ten verses of the chapter entitled the Cave will be safe from the trials of Dajjal (Al-Muslim; Tirmidhi; Abu Dawud 36:12.).
One may very well ask – what is the significance behind these first and last ten verses. Truly, these first and last ten verses give us a clear hint of what the Dajjal entails. The beginning verses read:
Praise be to Allah! Who revealed the Book to His servant, and allowed not therein any crookedness, Rightly directing, to give warning of severe punishment from Him, and to give good news to the believers who do good and theirs is a goodly reward. Staying in it forever; And to warn those who say Allah has taken a son (Qur’an 18:1-4).
Do those who disbelieve think that they can take My servants to be friends besides Me? ... Say: Shall We inform you of the greatest losers in respect of deeds? Those whose effort goes astray in this world's life and they are making good manufactures." (18:102-104.).
These verses above give us clear prophetic picture of the Christian nations! Manufacture means to concoct or invent, or even fabricate and note that Dajjal literally means an association of liars who mix up truth with falsehood and who use deceit and underhand means to lead astray the creation of God. It is the Christians whom took the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, from his rightful position as a Messenger and a Prophet, and raised his dignity to that of a (literal) son of God and/or God incarnate and today we have more than 2 billion Christians who perpetuate such a belief! Not only that, but today we see more than ever, as to how they are steeped in gross materialism and claimed Divinity! It may be interesting to note for now, the same Surah Al Kahf speaks of Gog and Magog: "And on that day We shall let some of them surge against the others (18:99).
The Traditions state that the Dajjal would be blind in one eye, and that Kafir (disbeliever) would be written on his forehead:
Behold! he is blind of one eye ... and between his two eyes is written kafir (Mishkat 93:27.).
A believer will decipher (i.e., the description on Dajjal's forehead) whether or not he is able to read (Mishkat p. 250.).
If the above mentioned traditions are taken literally, it may be hard to come to terms with it, however if taken as a metaphor, the significance become clear. Allah speaks of blindness in the Qur’an, but in what sense? For example, we read: "And whoever is blind in this (world) he will be blind in the Hereafter, and further away from the path."(17:72)
This is obviously referring to spiritual blindness, and it exactly in this sense that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) spoke of in terms of the Dajjal. The Dajjal is lacking and devoid of spiritual insight, and therefore is blinded of the truth, and engages itself wholly in temporal matters with the worldly eye. As for the description of Kaffir (disbeliever) written on his forehead, it states, even if one can not read, a believer will still be able to decipher the meaning. Now again, taken literally, we could not come to terms with it, however taken as a metaphor, it becomes clear this is referring to apparent disbelief.
Now is the Dajjal some single blind-eyed individual that will be given the gift of superhuman powers as many Muslims today believe and literally brining with him heaven and hell? The answer is definitely no. The Qur’an speaks of the Dajjal in terms of nation/s. Just as the Muslims had to fight (in self defense) against many nations bent on annihilating them, so too would Muslims have to fight the Dajjal. (as will be shown, this will be by use of the pen and spiritual truths and arguments).
The Dajjal are nation/s: The Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, said: You will fight with them (i.e. the Arabs) and Allah will give you victory over them; then you will fight with Persia and Allah will give you victory over them; then you will fight with the Dajjal and Allah will give you victory over them. (Mishkat ch. al-Malahim.)
The Traditions also states, the Dajjal would bring a heaven and hell with him, but the heaven would really be a hell, while the hell would really be heaven.
He will come and with him will be something like garden (or paradise) and fire (or hell) then that which he will call garden, will be fire (Mishkat Ch. al-Dajjal.).
And with him will be water and fire. Then that which people think to be water will be fire that will burn; and that which people think to be fire, will prove to be sweet cold water (Mishkat p. 473.).
The Dajjal will make his appearance and with him will be a stream and fire; whosoever plunges into his stream, his burden becomes due and his reward vanishes; and whoever enters his fire, his reward becomes due and his burden is removed (Mishkat. No. 2029.).
Taking the above as a metaphor, we may understand that the Dajjal will bring paradise with him, meaning luxuries and material assets of life that will let us live in comfort, but by being consumed in his paradise, that will make us spiritually blind and dead, and hence lead us to hell. Thus, the Dajjal's paradise (luxury, wealth $$$, comfort) is really hell because the path of material comfort and pleasure will lead to hell, while the Dajjal's Hell, deprivation of the material comfort, is really a paradise because the path of deprivation with patience will lead to paradise!
The Traditions also state that those that follow the Dajjal will be given comfort, while those that refuse to follow it, will be put through much hardship! This is the very picture we see set in motion today!
He (Dajjal) will come upon a nation and he will invite it (to follow him) and it will believe in him; so he will command the sky and it will pour down rain and command the earth and it will produce vegetation ... Then he will come upon a nation and he will invite it (to follow him), and it will refuse to respond, so he will turn away from it, then it will be stricken with famine and nothing will remain in its hand of its wealth (Mishkat Ch. al-Dajjal.).
And among his trials is that as he passes by a people and they refuse to believe in him, nothing will remain of their cattle but all will perish; and that as he passes by another people which will believe in him, he will command the sky and it will rain and command the earth and it will bring forth vegetation (Kanz al-`Ummal Vol. 7, No. 2028.).
The streams of the world and its fruits will be made subservient to him; so whoever will follow him, he will give him to eat and make him an unbeliever, and whoever will disobey him, he will deprive him of his provisions and stop (his means of livelihood) (Ibid., No. 2090.).
There will be some people accompanying the Dajjal who will say, We accompany him so that we may eat from his food and feed our cattle from his trees (Ibid., No. 2092.).
And with him will be mountains of bread and people will be in difficulty excepting those who follow him (Ibid., No. 2104.).
One may just think about the above tradition in light of Iraq and the cruel sanctions imposed on them, which has literally taken away their livelihood and killed half a million children. As the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) stated: There is no trial greater than that of the Dajjal since the creation of man up to the coming of the Hour (Mishkat Ch. al-Dajjal.) and the great trials of the Dajjal as we see now clear as daily truly are the sonship doctrine and materialistic world of the West.
Today the best course for economic security and well being in these times is to change your religion to Christianity.
Whoever follows him (the Dajjal), he gives him to eat, but also makes of him an unbeliever (Kanz al-`Ummal Vol. 7, No. 2104.).
What's the incentive – material education! so we can have our livelihood.
We keep his (i.e., Dajjal's) company although we know that he is an unbeliever. We still keep his company so that we may eat of his food.
Tradition states that the treasures of the earth will bow down to the Dajjal: And he will pass through a wilderness and will say to it: Bring forth thy treasures. So its treasures will follow him as the bees follow their queen (Mishkat Ch. al-Dajjal.).
The Christian West in fact does consume most of the world’s resources. Half the world -- nearly three billion people -- live on less than two dollars a day, and the USA is by far the wealthiest nation on earth, while yet being only 4% of the world's population, and still consuming 33% of the world's resources. The treasure of the earth truly due bow down to the West.
The tradition also states that the Dajjal would claim divinity and perform miraculous feats.
And he will cure the blind and the lepers and will revive the dead (Kanz al-Ummal No. 2080.).
And yes the Dajjal does cures diseases and revive the dead. And of course, the treatments, and so forth in this technological age are wonderful achievements by man, however at the same time it's a great trial because these people have taken on a superiority complex thinking that their lives are worth more – truly in fact claiming Divinity in this sense. This, in turn, has only led those such people away from a pure and spiritual life in attaining nearness to God. This is not to say, that no good has come out of technology because there has, however, a balance must be maintained. Islam preaches moderation, and still lets us live in this material world, but it should not be such that we go to either extreme, but always keep a proper balance between the material things of this life, and that in our worship of God.
The traditions, as well, clearly mention the transportation of the Dajjal! The transportation of the Dajjal will be the airplanes, cars, etc.
We said: O Messenger of Allah! How swift will he travel on the earth? He said: As the cloud is carried by the wind (Mishkat Ch. al-Dajjal.).
Airplanes: The earth will be rolled up for him; he will hold the cloud in his right hand and will overreach the sun at its setting place; the sea will be ankle deep for him; before him will be a mountain of smoke (Kanz al`Ummal Vol. 7, No. 2998.).
He will be jumping about between heaven and earth (Abu Dawud).
Railways trains! And he will have an ass which he will ride, whose two ears will be forty yards apart (Kanz al`Ummal Vol. 7, No. 2104.).
The Dajjal will make his appearance on a white ass, whose two ears will be seventy yards apart (Mishkat Ch. al-Dajjal.).
Underneath him will be a white ass, the length of each of his two ears will be thirty yards, and between one leg of his ass and the other will be the distance of a day and night's journey (Kanz al`Ummal Vol. 7, No. 2998.).
Homeland of Dajjal is the West, and it's mischief will be seen in the East!
Nay, he will appear in the East; nay, he will appear in the East; nay, he will appear in the East (Kanz al`Ummal Vol. 7, No. 2988.).
Tradition states that the Jews and women will follow the Dajjal.
And most of those who follow him will be the Jews and the women (Ibid., No. 2214.).
And behind him will be the Dajjal, with whom will be seventy thousand Jews (Ibid., No. 2028.).
And the last of those that will go out to him will be women, so much so that a man will return to his mother and his daughter and his sister and his aunt, and tie them fast lest they should go out to him (Dajjal) (Ibid., No. 2116.).
One may simply look at Israel seeing how they as a state have the full support of the United States, while the public at large, doesn’t even realize what is being conducted behind the scenes. This grand deception is fully being played out every day in the media. As for women, we see, the gross levels of immodestly being displayed today as never imagined before.
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) also stated that the Muslims themselves were to be part of the Dajjal.
Seventy thousand people from among my followers will follow the Dajjal (Mishkat Ch. al-Dajjal.).
Seventy in Islamic literature signifies a large number, and thus we can make sense of this above tradition in light of the circumstances of the Muslim world today. Many Muslims today have become not only hypocrites, not practicing what they preach, but have also distorted the true teachings of Islam perpetuating the wrong beliefs, making Islam look inherently violent, and it is due to this, that the Dajjal is able to function well in the guise of peace. Until Muslims clean up their act, this punishment will not be averted.
Maulana Muhammad Ali says:
“Dajjal and Gog and Magog, of which the recorded sayings of the Prophet speak, are no other than the nations of Europe and America, that it is these people who virtually claim to possess the powers of God and that conveyances, like the railway train, constitute the ass of Dajjal. Dajjal and Gog and Magog are only two names of the same people. They are called Dajjal on account of their religious fraud and deception, whereas they are called Gog and Magog on account of their great political power.”
Dajjal will dominate the world!
Even when Gog and Magog are let loose and they sally forth from every elevated place (21:96.).
The Dajjal, Gog and Magog (nations of Europe and America) will overcome the world. They will have supremacy. (And just look how supreme they are today!) This is indeed the greatest trial. It's a holocaust out there for Muslims, being deprived of their livelihood, while at the same time the Dajjal plays its deceptive role in the west playing God. If you follow the Dajjal you are better off in this material world - if you reject the Dajjal you suffer. But, in the end, it comes down to the what have we made of our life. There is a purpose to our creation, which is to attain nearness to Allah, and certainly by being consumed in the machinations and paradise of the Dajjal, we only create a hell for ourselves in the life to come.
How will the Dajjal be defeated? The Dajjal will be defeated with spiritual proof and arguments!
When he (Dajjal) makes his appearance and I am in your midst, I will overpower him by arguments; and if, when he makes his appearance, I am not in your midst, every one should argue with him (Kanz al-`Ummal Vol. 7, No. 2076.).
So when he makes his appearance and I am in your midst, I will overpower him with arguments on behalf of every Muslim; but if he appears after me, every one should argue with him on his own behalf (Ibid., No. 2025, 2079.) .
This is exactly how Islam will prevail. It will not be through any military power, but through Islam’s sheer spiritual force, the way in which we see Islam today spread in the West! Today in the West, many of those who embrace Islam, see the pure rational inspiring and peaceful teachings of Islam, and make a distinction between that of the extremist views which have absolutely no basis in Islam.
He it is who sent His Messenger with guidance and the Religion of Truth, that He may cause it to prevail over all religions though the polytheists are averse (Qur’an 9:33).
Allah says: And when the word comes to pass against them, We shall bring forth for them a creature from the Earth that will speak to them, because people did not believe in Our messages (27:82).
MA says: The Antichrist are the Christian missionaries, Gog and Magog are the people holding political dominance in the world and Dabbat al-Ard (creature) are their learned leaders who are lost in the worship of matter and the power of matter and have spread this cult all over the world.
The domination of the Western nations over Muslims is a punishment as the Muslims themselves had ceased to believe in the Divine Message. Muslims at the time of the appearance of the Dabbat al-Ard will cease to act upon the Qur'anic injunctions, with the result that other nations possessing material resources will overpower them. If Muslims once again start believing in the Qur'an and put its teachings into actual practice, this punishment of dominance by other nations will be taken away.
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