15 July 2020

Will Electric Cars Take Over Anytime Soon?

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               ‏ اَلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُم وَرَحْمَةُ اَللهِ وَبَرَكاتُهُ‎  
   اللّٰهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلٰى سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ  لآ اِلَهَ اِلّا اللّهُ مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُوُل اللّهِ

Doa dan usap keseluruh tubuh setiap lepas solat
Sesungguhnya Aku berniat kerana اللّهُ
Tugasan gerakkerja organ-organ tubuh badanKu kepada  اللّهُ
Daku Niatkan Tasbih anggota-anggota organ tubuhku buat اللّهُ
Ku serahkan seluruh kehidupanku kebergantungan sepenuhnya KepadaMu Ya اللهَ
jantung gif

(سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ)‎ Tasbeh Hatiku berdetik setiap saat  
(أسْتَغْفِرُاللهَ)Istighfar dari Kerdipan Mataku 
(الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ)Tahmid Dengan‎ Denyutan Nadiku 
(لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا ٱلله)Tahlil ‎Degupan Jantungku 
(اللَّهُ أَكْبَرُ)‎Takbir dalam Hela Turun Naik Nafasku 
اَلْحَمْدُ ِللهِ syukur kepadaMU  YA  اللّهُ
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100 X (سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ)‎ 
100X (أسْتَغْفِرُاللهَ)
100X (الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ)
100X (لآ اِلَهَ اِلّا اللّهُ)
100X (اللَّهُ أَكْبَرُ)
100X (اَللَّهُمَّ صَلِّىْ عَلَىْ سَيِّدِنَامُحَمَّدٍ)  
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100X اَللَّهُمَّ صَلِّىْ عَلَىْ سَيِّدِنَامُحَمَّدٍ   
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 اَلْحَمْدُ ِللهِ Related imagesyukur kepadaMU  YA اللّهُ
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                     اَللَّهُمَّ صَلِّىْ عَلَىْ سَيِّدِنَامُحَمَّدٍ       
   والله أعلم بالـصـواب  

آمِيْنُ يَا رَبَّ الْعَالَمِيْن

Will Electric Cars Take Over Anytime Soon?                                                                             

Will Electric Cars Take Over Anytime Soon?

With the development of electric cars within the past few years, we start to see more discussions of whether these electric vehicles will replace traditional fuel-powered cars or not. That is a legit question especially when most automotive companies keep pushing out their EV concepts for the future. And since we officially come to the new decade, it is fascinating to see where the automotive industry will go from here. So today, let’s try to answer one interesting question: Will electric cars take over anytime soon?

What is electric vehicle?

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What’s inside an electric car? (Source: afdc.energy.gov)
While this question may sound dumb, turned out that it gets more and more interesting when we look deeper into it. If we answer this question in the simplest way possible: electric vehicle is… vehicle runs on electricity! But here’s the thing: how does it work exactly compared to gas-powered cars?
Unlike traditional gas-powered cars, electric cars run based on the combinations of the electric motor, the motor’s DC controller, and the batteriesThe batteries charge power for the controller, then the controller will send that power to the motor. And in order to monitor the amount of power sent, there are potentiometers that can tell the controller the right amount of power needed to deliver. This means: there is no need for the gasoline engine, thus no need for a gearbox. Fuel is not needed of course since it is already replaced by the rechargeable battery. As a result, with electric vehicles, you can save lots of money from refueling the gas-engined car. Your electric car also has higher torque at low-speed thanks to the advantage of electric motor and controller. Other than that, the way you drive an electric car is pretty much the same as a gas-powered car.
So clearly, there are many advantages of EVs compared to traditional cars. But why at this point, it still only takes up a tiny percent of the total market?

The problem of battery

Despite several advantages of EVs, this is probably one biggest problem with them: the battery itself. Currently, there are three most common battery types: the lead-acid type, the NiMH battery, and the Li-Ion batteries.
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Typical lead-acid battery (Source: Internet)
The lead-acid type is by far the most dangerous and weakest among the three. It has an extremely short lifespan of 3 – 4 years, furthermore, it can release toxic gases containing concentrated sulfuric acid. This type of battery was used in the early versions of EVs. Thankfully, it is no longer used in modern cars.
NiMH battery is relatively 2 times more powerful than the lead-acid one, featuring a considerable lifespan of even 7 – 10 years. Plus, it does not release harmful substances like the lead-acid. However, this battery type still suffers from low charging efficiency, self-discharge, and especially heat generation which requires an additional cooling system.
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Tesla’s Lithium-Ion battery (Source: Internet)
Lithium-Ion battery (or Li-Ion for short) is by far the most popular battery type for current-gen EVs. It totally surpasses the two previous types across all aspects. It also seems to be quite environment friendly, even if it is recycled. Its biggest downside though is the high cost, which contributes to the higher production cost for the car. Hopefully, the price will lower much further when EVs become more popular in the future.

Electric cars vs current lifestyle

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Find a gas station is easy. (Source: Internet)
Continuing the problem of battery, there is another issue of charging. For a very long time, most of us are too familiar with gas-powered vehicles. Gas stations are literally everywhere, we just simply need to drive our car to the station and get refueled. If you want to have a whole America trip, you do not have to worry about car fuel since you can find gas stations everywhere.
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But electric car station? Not really… (Source: Internet)
But what about electric vehicles? They require electricity and unfortunately, stations for 
electric cars are still extremely scarce. Not to mention that when you consider buying an electric car, there are so many questions you have to address: “What’s the range, what’s the battery life, and is there a charging infrastructure at my home, at my work, or in between that will accommodate my lifestyle?” Even in the urban area, certain people may not even be able to drive the EVs from home to work (and vice-versa). The advantages of EVs are truly there, but currently, people still feel discouraged to get an electric car for daily usage.

So… does that mean electric cars will not become popular anytime soon?

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Tesla Roadster 2020 is said to be in production this year. (Source: Internet)
The answer is… highly yes. But that does not mean a doom and gloom future for electric cars. At the very least, the cost of electric battery per hour has dropped 85% in 2010 thanks to the rising amount of battery factories built, according to CNN. This means the cost of manufacturing an electric vehicle has been lowered significantly.
Not only that, there is definitely a demand for electric cars despite being a niche market. In fact, it is recorded that there are 5.1 million electric cars sold globally. And among them, nearly 2 million cars were sold in China, Europe, and the US in 2018. But again since this is still a niche market as we are comparing to around 1 billion vehicles being driven in total, meaning EVs only contribute less than 1% of total vehicles used based on Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BloombergNEF)’s statistics for the 2019 Electric Vehicle Outlook.
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And this insane EV named Pininfarina Battista is real! (Source: Internet)
That being said, BloombergNEF also reported that by 2040, electric cars could make up 57% of total car sales globally. This shows a promising increase in EVs in the next dozens of years, but that also means we are not gonna see its booming trend, probably in this decade… Unless automotive companies have some extraordinary tricks in their sleeves.

Difference Between Electric And Gas Cars: Is EVs a Viable Option Now?

In recent years, we have seen more and more automotive companies present their own iterations of electric vehicles (EVs) and cars, despite being a niche market at the moment. In fact, it is predicted that electric cars will soon become more popular in the future. Given time, it will even replace the traditional gas-powered cars at some point. Such prediction begs a question: is the electric car really that good? What is the difference between electric and gas cars? Let’s find out!

1. How does the electric car work?

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(Source: afdc.energy.gov)
The system specification of each electric car can be varied, but here we will look at the basic principle of the EVs. In general, the EVs work based on 3 elements: the electric motor, the motor’s DC controller, and the batteriesThe controller will receive power from the batteries so that it can that power to the motor. To adjust the precise amount of delivered power, the car also includes potentiometers that can tell the controller the right amount of power needed to deliver.
Compared to gas-powered cars, electric cars do not need gasoline engine nor gearbox. Its power comes from the rechargeable battery; therefore, it cuts off the need for fuel. The way you drive an electric car is still pretty much the same as how you drive a gasoline-engined car. Plus ideally, you can save lots more money with electric cars since you no longer need to refuel it.

2. Difference between electric and gas cars

Cost of Fuel

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Gas cars always have exhaust pipes. (Source: Internet)
Talking about the difference between electric and gas cars, this is definitely one thing coming to many people’s minds right away. Theoretically, we can save lots, lots of money from buying fuel if we use electric cars. Plus, driving EVs can help to reduce CO2 emissions a lot. And while the latter theory about reducing CO2 emissions is correct, we still need more concrete proof regarding the lower cost of fuel. Even though EVs do not run on fuel, it uses electricity and that means: higher electricity bill at your home.
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But electric car like Tesla does not need one. (Source: Internet)
Luckily, the Transportation Research Institute from the University of Michigan has shown a positive finding from their 2018 study. Specifically, the cost of operating an EV in the US is $485 per year on average, while it is $1,117 on average for a gas-powered vehicle. That being said, the difference in fuel price can still be more varied depending on how fuel-efficient your car is. For example, a car that rated at 30 miles per gallon (mpg) will definitely cost more than a car rated at 20 mpg.
On the other hand, the recharging cost of EV depends on the price of electricity. So basically, its cost will count towards your electricity bill. For a better comparison between EV recharging cost and gasoline refueling cost, it is highly recommended to check out the Department of Energy’s eGallon tool. The cost ratio will be updated regularly, but generally, we can expect the price of recharging EV to decrease over time when electric cars become more common in the future.

Refuel time vs Recharge time

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(Source: Internet)
Unexpectedly, recharging time is still a problem with electric cars when comparing to traditional gas-powered cars. There is a huge gap in refuel/recharge time between the gas-powered cars and electric cars. Here is an example:
The Toyota Camry is rated at 28 mpg, its fuel capacity is 17 gallons with a maximum range of 476 miles. Guess how long it takes to refuel the car completely… 2 minutes! If we consider the amount of range per minute spent refueling, it is roughly 280 miles per minute.
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(Source: Internet)
However, all the EVs in current generations may require even 50-60 minutes to fully recharge, which is approx. 25 times longer than the Camry! Even the upcoming EVs in 2020 can only promise a full recharge within 30-40 minutes. To be fair, 30-40 minutes full recharge is already a big improvement. However, that still takes too long compared to gas cars.
Generally, you can still use the EVs for normal daily routine like going to work then returning back home. You only need to remember plugging in your car to make sure it recharge overnight. But if you are in a sudden hurry or a long trip, the current gens of EVs will highly give you a hard time.

Car Range

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(Source: Internet)
Continuing the discussion of refuel/recharge time, car range is yet another concern for electric cars. As mentioned before, a traditional gas car has quite a good range of 400 miles on average (e.g. it is 476 miles with the Camry). However, current EVs generation still only has an average range of 200 miles. Only a few can expectedly surpass 300 miles like the upcoming Polestar 2 (311 miles) or the Volkswagen ID.3 (featuring the option of 373 miles). Such a range is still significantly lower than many gas-powered cars nowadays.
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(Source: Internet)
Then there is another issue of EV recharging stations, which are still far and between. In US, you can easily find a gas station and give your car a good refueling, then continue with your trip. In fact, you can travel throughout America rather easily with a gas-powered car. But that is definitely not viable if you use an electric vehicle. The most viable way to use EVs in the current state is driving it for common daily usage (e.g. going to work).

Maintenance Cost

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There are so many, many complex parts in a gas-powered car. (Source: Internet)
One good trait of electric vehicles is that they have fewer parts than gas-powered cars. Unlike the latter, the EVs do not need parts from gas cars like engine transmission, driveshafts, differentials, etc… And while this may not sound that much of an advantage at first, it’s actual value lies within the maintenance cost.
In case of gas cars, there are so many things need to be maintained, and the price will gradually go up along with the car ages. Not only that, you also have to spend on various “miscellaneous” stuff like changing the engine oil, coolant, transmission fluid, belts. All of those can add up to the overall expense over time.Interesting enough, Tesla rental service – Tesloop – actually did a maintenance expense test after the first 300,000 miles with the Tesla Model S. They found out that the total cost was only $10,492, with a total of 12 days of service. In contrast, a high-end gas car like Mercedes S class can cost even $86,000 ($52,000 maintenance and $36,000 fuel) with 112 days of service. That is a huge cost saving in the long run compared to gas cars, even if EVs cost higher on purchase.

Limited in choices

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Frankly speaking, most people probably know Tesla as the only EVs brand. (Source: Internet)
Compared to the gas cars, electric vehicle is still an extremely niche market. At this point, only 1% of the total running vehicles are EVs (according to BloombergNEF). With only few dozens pure electric cars, the choices are so limited at the time. Meanwhile, gas-powered cars have been developed for almost 100 years. So clearly, there are many, many options when you consider buying a gas-powered car, including a vast selection of customizations like colors and styles.

The matter of Practicality

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Gas station is easy to find. EV charge station? Not so much… (Source: Internet)
Frankly speaking, both gas-powered cars and electric cars are extremely practical, no doubt about that. But the biggest question is whether people have enough incentives to switch to EVs or not. As discussed, the main limitation of EVs is its short travel range and the long recharge time. It can only be used for daily usage at most like going to work; however, common people also want a vehicle good for both daily use and long-distance travel (like going for a vacation). Not to mention, it is rather hard to find an EV recharging station, whereas you can find gas stations almost everywhere in the US. EVs are undoubtedly practical. But it will need lots more time to gradually become more relevant to the masses.

Why concept cars are made when companies don’t plan on making?

Every now and then you may catch a glimpse of new concept cars presented by many automotive companies, like the insane Lamborghini Terzo Millennio or the futuristic EVs like Aston Martin Lagonda Vision in 2019 or the driverless Renault RZ-GO. These crazy concepts (in a good way of course) may cost a company millions of dollars to make, but you will rarely see them come true as production cars. So why do these companies still make these concept cars? Let’s try to find out the purpose of concept cars!

1. How a concept car is made?

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From sketching… (Source: Internet)
For those who may think that coming up with an idea of a concept car is simple, it is far from the truth. Frankly speaking, automotive companies do not make concept cars for fun. It is definitely not like a child who draws everything he imagines. But how do they make a concept car then? Luckily, Hyundai has given us a sneak peek into their process, specifically the making of Le Fil Rouge in the 2018 Geneva Motor Show.
In the beginning, everything starts with sketching on papers. The creator team will discuss and agree on how the new design looks like, then, they will outline the basic shape on papers. After that, the team will use computer modeling to bring those designs on papers to 3D model.
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To 3D modeling… (Source: Internet)
When the 3D modeling is done, it is time to make it a reality, starting with creating clay models with 1:1 scale or lower, Normally, bigger scale will show the dimensions much better. As Hyundai shared, they use huge CNC machines to shape the model, while the sculptors will make various tweaks and changes.
Supposed that the exterior design is finally finished, the team still needs to work with interior design. They can either go for: practical design matching with current generation, or, out-of-the-box designs (which we have seen so many times like Mercedes-Benz Vision EQSVolkswagen I.D.Renault Trezor, etc…).
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To real-life build. (Source: Internet)
And when all the designs are done, they will proceed with creating a “real-life version” of the concept. Though as many people may have noticed, most of the concept cars are not functional. They can just roll a bit to appear on the showcase.

2. Why concept cars are created?

One thing comes to many people’s mind is that: concept cars are simply made to make impression towards the press and give them something to write. While this is indeed true in most cases, these concept cars are actually more meaningful than what we may think.

To check the public opinion

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This is the BMW’s Vision Efficient Dynamics (Source: Internet)
Many production cars nowadays actually came from somewhere, and many of them actually originated from concept cars in the past. According to Business Insider’s interview with Ralph Giles – head of global design for Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, the concept cars do appear in the motor show for media to enjoy. However, the public will visit in later days and they will give their impressions to the concept cars. And when the public likes the design of a concept car, they will let the company know. As Ralph shared, many people would openly tell the company to make that car, they can send emails, or write some passionate letters. And when it happens, the company knows that they are indeed going somewhere with the concept.
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And this is the BMW i8. (Source: Internet)
One good example is BMW’s Vision Efficient Dynamics in 2009 – a high-performance hybrid that aims to balance between speed and fuel efficiency. It features some fancy stuff like the see-through doors and the moving grill. And what did people know, the concept actually resulted in the BMW i8 – an extremely successful model. It is so popular that people began to see the high-performance hybrid models from almost all other brands. And although the see-through doors and the moving grill did not make it to the BMW i8, we may still see them in the next 5 or 10 years.

To test the future technology

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Aston Martin Lagonda Vision (Source: Internet)
As it turns out, many concept cars can actually be functional… to a certain extent. The thing is: concept cars nowadays are no longer simply a tool for marketing, it is also used to test certain technologies in reality.
For example, remember the Renault RZ-GO concept? Frankly speaking, many people probably do not like its design. However, this concept is a good way to test the idea of a future when passengers can just hop in a driverless car and enjoy the ride. This concept is not feasible in the current time, true, but we cannot say no in the future if we do not test the idea. In case of the Renault RZ-GO, many companies can see how people interact with the car, especially when technology is changing extremely fast these days. In fact, Klaus Bischoff – Executive Director of Volkswagen Design – has shared that people nowadays use ride-sharing services like Uber or rental services like Zipcar. Therefore, driverless vehicles may be the next evolution for those services.
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Renault RZ-GO (Source: Internet)
And since it is so easy for everything to spread on the internet nowadays, the competition only rises higher and higher, giving all companies higher incentives to bring out their best.

The “World First Mega-GT”: Koenigsegg Gemera First Look!

It was a huge unfortunate time when one of the world’s biggest motor shows – Geneva Motor Show 2020 had to cancel due to the novel-Coronavirus situation. However, but for Koenigsegg Automotive, that was just a minor halt. And just recently, they surprisingly put out a presentation video, revealing their latest creation – Koenigsegg Gemera – the so-called “world’s first mega-GT”. It is elegant, it is gorgeous, and it would be a huge loss indeed had the company decided not to reveal it. And so with no further ado, let’s have a Koenigsegg Gemera first look!

The “Perfect Egg Shape”

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(Source: Internet)
Founded in 1994, Koenigsegg has always been a highly-accomplished automobile company. They have been bringing out many, many innovative designs and insane supercars, including the prolific names like Koenigsegg Agera, the Regera, the One:1, and the almost recently – Jesko.
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(Source: Internet)
One intriguing thing Koenigsegg mentioned in their Geneva Motor Show 2020 video is that: all of their design has been pursuing the egg-shape design. As they explained, the egg form is “strong, simple, and unquestionable”. And when the Koenigsegg Gemera finally entered the show, it was simply: breathtaking. Despite being their very first 4-seater model, Koenigsegg once again that they are an incredible company that always pays high attention to details. It is designed with practicality in mind, combining with the insane power to create the most powerful 4-seater GT to date. With that said, let’s take an even closer look at this beautiful masterpiece.

A High-Performance GT of great practicality

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(Source: Internet)
When we think about a GT, styling and design are not the only thing we have in mind. Practical usage is extremely important, and Koenigsegg Gemera fulfilled all of those aspects.
So in case you have not realized the egg shape, it is actually the shape of the cockpit. And that inspiration does not simply mean to sound cool. In fact, staying true to its name – Gemera (given by Koenigsegg’s mom) – meaning “to give more” in Swedish, the Koenigsegg Gemera does offer so many great things like:
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(Source: Internet)
  • First, this cockpit is extremely spacious, even for a sports car. It can fit four 2-meter-height people and you do not even need to move the front seat in order to get into the rear seats.
  • Second, Koenigsegg’s iconic door works extremely well with a 4-seater like the Gemera. There is only one door for each side, and it opens by lifting upwards, allowing ability to park right next to other cars. Furthermore, these doors are precisely calculated to make sure that passengers can easily get in and out of the car, both front and rear seats.
  • Third, the door is designed to fit in the majority of garages in the world. It has a sensor system that stops the door from opening if there is nearby obstacle. And also, it will stop opening in lower height if there is not enough space (e.g. low ceiling).
And finally, we have to mention the storages which are really spacious. There are 2 storages, one at the front, and one at the rear. The front storage can carry a big luggage, while the rear storage can have three of them, which is fantastic for a GT.

“The World First Mega-GT”? Not so far-fetched after all

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(Source: Internet)
Koenigsegg Gemera is a mid-engined megacar, featuring a light-weight engine which we can see behind the rear seat. As Koenigsegg explained, the combustion engine is 600 hp and 600 Nm (or 443 lb-ft) of torque. And if that may not sound good enough for you, there are 3 electric motors and Koenigsegg’s single-speed direct-drive transmission working alongside the engine, making up a total of 1677 horsepower and 2581 lb-ft of torque! Not only that, the car can get from 0 to 60 mph in less than 1.9 sec! How crazy is that!? Thus, the car is designed for long travel, said to be capable of covering a long distance of 3000 km if it is fully charged.
That said, being fast is just one thing. The company also makes this car more nature-friendly by designing the engine to run on renewable fuels, which means the combustion engine does not depend on fossil fuel. This overall design makes the car 30% lighter than the pure electric car of the same range. It can allow the car to be more spacious, yet still agile, better cornering, better acceleration, better braking while still CO2 neutral if you can find the right fuel.
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(Source: Internet)
This design is interesting because nowadays, we gradually see a big trend of transitioning to electric vehicles from other automobile companies. Koenigsegg also discussed this point, stating that electric car is indeed great. However, they still have limitations in the current stage, including the lack of charging station and its application in the worldwide market. Based on his explanation, we believe that the Gemera represents a better alternative at the moment until the world is truly ready for full-electric vehicles.
And that’s it for now folk! What do you think of Koenigsegg Gemera? Feel free to share with us and for now, thank you and stay tuned for more news in the future!
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(Source: Internet)
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(Source: Internet)
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(Source: Internet)
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(Source: Internet)

Welcome Era of EV: Top 10 Upcoming EVs of 2020!

If you are a fan of cars in general, you would know that many automobile companies are gradually moving their attention to electric vehicles (or EVs). It is predicted that EVs will be the transportations of the future and therefore, those companies are already developing new technologies and on top of all, new electric cars. And so with no further ado, let’s check out these top 10 upcoming EVs of 2020!

Volkswagen ID.3

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(Source: Internet)
The Volkswagen has planned to release a great deal of EVs from this year 2020. And starting the list we have Volkswagen ID.3, which is probably Volkswagen’s most important beginning point. The car is aimed to be an affordable EV with a price tag of just over £30,000. It strongly resembles, and also, has similar size like the Volkswagen Golf. The car is built upon the modular MEB platform, and it will offer a number of battery options, featuring the range from 249 to 373 miles between charges. And as mentioned, This ID.3 will just be a beginning since there are several other models that are due to launch within the next 5 years.

Skoda Citigo-e iV

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(Source: Internet)
Skoda might be an unfamiliar name for many people, but this automobile company from Czech has been operating since 1895. They have released quite a number of hybrid cars and this time, they will launch their very first full-electric car named Skoda Citigo-e iV. It is designed as a small city car featuring an 82bhp motor, powered by a 36.8kWh battery. It is reported to be capable of a 165-mile WLTP range with a 0-62mph acceleration time of 7.6 seconds. Its production has already begun and expected to start delivery in early 2020.

Volvo XC40 Recharge

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(Source: Internet)
After the big success with the XC40, Volvo decided to upgrade it with the electric technology borrowed from the sister brand Polestar to create the new XC40 Recharge. It will feature a 4-wheel-drive system with two 201bhp electric motors. It is said to be able to hit the top speed of 112mph, with a 0-62mph acceleration time of 4.9 sec. Also, it can cover a WLTP-certified range of 248 miles between charges. And talk about charging, Volvo said that it would include the 150kW DC fast-charger which can deliver 80% charge after 40 minutes. But in case you still do not like the idea of full-EV, you can still have the option of the XC40 T5 petrol-electric plug-in hybrid that will launch in early 2020.

Polestar 2

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(Source: Internet)
Stepping up from the first Polestar, Polestar 2 will be a full-EV featuring a 300kW (408hp) all-wheel-drive powertrain with a 0-62mph time of 4.7 seconds, and a considerable battery range of 311 miles. The car will be available from £49,900 and interesting enough, it will include a sharing system in which: owners can “send” keys to another phone thanks to the “Phone-as-Key” technology.


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The BMW iX3 is going to be the company’s first all-electric SUV, which is relatively an EV version of the petrol-powered X3. it comes with two electric motors – one for the front axle & the other for the rear, each can develop 270bhp from an over 70kWh battery. The car is capable of covering 249 miles of WLTP-certified range, and requires 30 minutes to recharge from a 150kW fast-charger.

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(Source: Internet)
The Audi e-Tron is actually available for purchase, but that is not the only e-Tron released for 2020-2021. Aside from it, there are even 4 other models, namely:
  • Audi e-Tron Sportback: this Sportback crossover promises to bring mechanical and technical upgrades over the regular e-Tron. It will feature optimized brake pads, more usable power with the 95kWh battery, and the rear-wheel-drive capability for an increased range.
  • Audi e-Tron GT: it features two electric motors, an all-wheel-drive system with 590hp. It can hit 62mph in just 3.5 seconds, and a max speed of 149mph. Its WLTP range is estimated to be around 248 miles, and it is capable of 80% recharge within only 20 minutes via the 800-volt charging system.
  • Audi Q2 e-Tron & Audi Q4 e-Tron
Regardless, 2020 seems to be a good kickstart year for Audi with quite a wide variety of choices.

Kia Soul EV

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(Source: Internet)
The Kia Soul has kind of a… peculiar design. You will either feel fond of it or absolutely hate it. But that is about exterior design, what’s important about this second generation of the Soul – Kia Soul EV is electric performance. The car borrows a powertrain from the e-Niro crossover, featuring a 64kWh liquid-cooled lithium-ion battery pack with 201bhp power output. It is expected to be able to cover a range of 279 miles, similar to the e-Niro. It will also include a 10.25in touchscreen, integrated with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto.

Porsche Taycan

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(Source: Internet)
As mentioned, EVs are seemingly becoming the vehicle of the future. And of course, famous companies like Porsche will not miss this opportunity. In fact, they have revealed their very first EV – the Porsche Taycan which is considered to be the answer towards Tesla’s Model S. It will eventually come with some additional models, namely Turbo, Turbo S, and Turbo 4S. According to Porsche, the car should be able to an optimistic WLTP range of 256 miles. The price tag will start from $150,900 (for the Turbo) and $185,000 (for the Turbo S), and eventually increase to $153,310 and $187,610, respectively.

Tesla Roadster 2020

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(Source: Internet)
Fans of Tesla probably cannot forget the memorable reveal of the Tesla Roadster 2020 during 2017 Tesla’s Semi event. It is Tesla’s flagship sports car that will replace the original Lotus-based Roaster. And according to Elon Musk himself, this car can hit from 0 to 60mph within an insane 1.9-sec mark, and, a whopping over 250mph. Not only that, it is said to be able to cover an incredible range of 620 miles, thanks to the 200kWh battery pack. Its price starts at £189,000 for the first 1000 cars, which are also the Founders Edition models. After that, the price will reduce to £151,000 for general sales from mid-2020.

Pininfarina Battista

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(Source: Internet)
If you think the “advertised powertrain” of the Tesla Roadster 2020 is crazy enough for the current-gen EVs, just wait until you see the surprising Pininfarina Battista – made by the exact famous design company Pininfarina. Originally focusing on car design, Pininfarina finally changes its direction to the car-manufacturing, starting with this one hell of a hypercar. Not only the car looks extremely stunning (just like any other Pininfarina designs), it also promises an extreme level of powertrain, featuring a 0-62mph time of under 2 seconds thanks to the crazy 1874bhp and 1696lb/ft of torque. The Battista also comes with a 120kWh battery, making it capable of 300 miles of range. However, there will be only 150 units of this luxurious, outstanding hypercar (and we should expect that all of them are sold out by now) at the price tag of £2 million.
And that’s it folks! Are there any other EVs you want to see in 2020? Feel free to share with us and for now, thank you and stay tuned for more news in the future!
But what do you think? Do you believe it is time we switch to electric vehicles? Feel free to share with us and for now, thank you and stay tuned for more news in the future!
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Will Electric Cars Take Over Anytime Soon?                                                                                            
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