24 November 2019

Netfix Review: Scam or Mega-Scam?

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Netfix Review: Scam or Mega-Scam?

Netfix is one of the available cryptocurrency applications that claims to help you make profits that are as high as 6% to 18% in a month! They promise to give you control over your cryptocurrency by enabling you to better manage the blockchain financial aspects with a secure and open-source wallet. They also offer a membership card that functions very similar to a typical debit/credit card. 
It’s hard to find out relevant information regarding owners or developers of this company. They seem to be located in Shenzhen, China. The facebook page of Netfix mentions Matrixbit Lab Limited as their primary owners. They have two websites that relate to the same product or business model; i.e. https://www.netfixpay.com/ and https://netfix.ai/. They reveal very little about the company owners on https://netfix.ai/; a lot of important page-links do not work on this website (e.g. About, Contact page etc). However, on the other website https://www.netfixpay.com/, they have ample information. The discrepancy between the two websites is a bit discomforting and begs the question of why there is a discrepancy at all. The branding is exactly similar, so another question that comes up is why have they created two websites?! The website https://netfix.ai/ does not reveal any contact information but from the other website the only contact information is their phone number: +6283841952423 and a web-form: https://www.netfixpay.com/kontak/
The company mentions Mr. Raymond R Chan as founder of Matrixbit Lab Ltd, who has worked in cryptocurrency industry for about 8 years before actually founding his company. However, this is all that we know about the founder; there are no links to social media profiles or credible information. 

Netfix Review

As a company Netfix positions itself as a platform that is striving to open diverse economic opportunities through developing various blockchain mechanisms or solutions. The company claims to be operating since the year 2018 and has exclaimed to be an active member of various blockchain platforms. However, they have not provided any evidence of this active involvement and it is very difficult to find relevant company information. 
They have mentioned being involved in various projects that include Netfix i.ROBOT (Platinum, Titanium), Netfix Pay, Netfix Membership, Mining Farm, Merchant, Exhange, e-comm support, Matrixbit Coin (MXBIT). Allegedly, all of these have been developed by the parent company, Matrixbit Lab Ltd., that has been promoted on their website as a pioneer and well-experienced with cryptocurrency and blockchain market segments in China. 
As mentioned above (in the introductory section), the company has dual web-presence and it creates a conflict in the mind of potential client. It is apparent that the company is new in the cryptocurrency niche and may have been experimenting with different market positioning tactics. However, there is a strong need to fill the gap regarding information related to founders, their background, details into the strategy and contact information.
Similar to Netfix, there are other investment and mining programs in the cryptocurrency market segment…such as…
However, before selecting a program or an application in crypto and binary options market it is very important to properly weigh the odds of promised profit percentages.

Netfix Strategy

The company operates on arbitrage strategy and functions as a risk free no loss investment model which sounds quite unrealistic. The Netfix promise of about 6% to 8% profitability may not seem like a big deal but in cryptocurrency market segment it is a big deal to be making such absolute and exclusive profit statements. One of the important aspects of arbitrage in cryptocurrency is that such opportunities are exceedingly limited and are often utilized by other professional bots, leaving little to no space for several users attempting to trade them. According to the Netfix affiliate program, you get an extra 10% (in addition to the maximum limit of 18%) by luring more users to their system. 
As a rule of thumb, any investment scheme should have proper authorization, however, Netfix does not have any authorization at all. Even though they are making promises about lofty returns on user investments, Netfix exists as a non-regulated and anonymous entity without any licence. The company also makes detailed future plans, however, little evidence has been provided to corroborate their story. 


  • Located: ShenZhen, China
  • Founded: 2018
  • Strategy: Arbitrage
  • Technology: Fintech and blockchain
  • Investment: $100 to $50,000
  • Trading Results: Not verified

Netfix Trading Results

They have not provided any evidence of trading results. There are descriptions of theoretical framework of their trade methodology and options. They have provided a milestones map for their company progression in future, however, so far they do not appear to be verified by any third entity. Even in their map, they have enlisted the goal of getting registered with Global Exchanger and getting listed in Coin Market Cap (CMC) as something to be achieved during 2021. So, it’s all in the future.

Client Feedback

They do not have any comments or reviews displayed on their website. The only feedback they have is on their Facebook page! On the Facebook page of Netfix, there are only 6 reviews (giving a 5-star rating to the company and its services), that seem too generic and have no detail or any relevance to specific program features. 


Netfix appears to be lacking at several places when it comes to providing relevant information to substantiate its claims. The program features and promised profit margins are also lofty and somewhat unrealistic. However, the company may be given a certain benefit of the doubt based on their shared year of being founded, i.e. 2018. 
Have you had any experience with Netfix? Share with us in the comments below!




https://netfix.ai/download https://netfix.ai/download https://netfix.ai/download https://netfix.ai/download https://netfix.ai/download NetfixPay.com Search … Netfix Digital Payment The Future Of Pay.  Manage your blockchain finances in one app with the secure, open source wallet by NetfixPay READ MORE Overview Netfix is a community platform aiming to create economic opportunities through the development of blockchain solutions. Since 2018, our community has enthusiastically contributed to a number of blockchain platforms. This includes projects such as NetfixPay, Netfix i.ROBOT, Netfix Membership, Netfix i.Robot Platinum & Titanium, Netfix Mining Farm & Mining Machine, Netfix Merchant, Netfix E-Commerce Support Multilevel Platform and Matrixbit Coin (MXBIT), collaboration and developed by Matrixbit Lab Limited., an experienced original technology team with research and development laboratories in Shen Zhen, China. Netfix collaborates and becomes an exclusive partner with Nextrex Exchange for its technological research and development of cryptocurrency exchange and fintech. Our target is to build up the community network across a number of countries including China, Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia,Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Brunei, Bangladesh, Philippines, Japan, India, USA, Europe and other countries worldwide. Manage your card on-the-go. Monitor and add to your card balance with one swipe in the NetfixPay wallet. Get detailed information for all transaction activity and reload dollars using Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash or Matrixbit. READ MORE Stop storing money on a website. NOT EVEN NETFIXPAY CAN ACCESS YOUR MONEY. Get real security by using a real wallet. Create a normal wallet for immediate payments, or lock down your security by requiring payments to be accepted by up to 12 different devices. READ MORE FOUNDER MR. RAYMOND R CHAN Founder Mr. Raymond R Chan is the founder of Matrixbit Lab Limited. NetfixPay, Netfix i.ROBOT, Netfix Mining Farm & Mining Machine, Netfix Merchant, Netfix E-Commerce Support Multilevel Platform and Matrixbit Coin (MXBIT), brands which bring global innovation for digital wallet and utilisation through fintech and blockchain technology. He has been involved in the industry for over 8 years in technology, sales, marketing and advisory roles, focusing predominantly on digital currency and ecommerce products. With intense passion in fintech and cryptocurrency, Mr. Raymond R Chan has set his own company to start the development of his own idea and innovation. Netfix Mining Machine & Mining Farms BEGINNING OF MINING Even before the establishment legal entity, the founders of Matrixbit Lab Limited already bought mining machines from China and placed it on third-party farms for mining Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH). The China, Xinjian, Hami unit was built with 1 warehouse and 2,000 machines as initial capacity and with expansion potential to upgrade to 10,000 machines, to facilitate the visitors’ access from all over the world. Netfix gets an exclusive right to mining a 15 million of MXBIT coin in a year time. As a beginning, Netfix will purchase a mining machine and build up its mining farm to mine the Matrixbit (MXBIT) and Bitcoin (BTC). For future steps, Netfix plans to invest in a mining machine and become one of the largest mining machine and mining farms platform in South Asia. NetfixPay is the secure, shared reward digital wallet which store your cryptocurrency with profit sharing concept in Netfix i.ROBOT system. NetfixPay is similar to Blockchain.info, Coinbase wallet and others digital wallet. However, NetfixPay allows you to earn an interest from Netfix i.ROBOT system of 6% to18% monthly profit allocate to your wallet. MXBIT SPECIFICATIONS Release date: 11PM EST, 25th December 2018 / No premine Block Size: 4 MB Max Block Size Serialized Size: 16 MB Proof-of-Work Algorithm : lyra2rev3 Proof-of-Work Script : kimotoGravityWell Block Time: ~60 seconds Coin Maturity: 100 blocks Transactions Per Second: 133 (Bitcoin: 3, Bitcoin Cash: 27, Dash: 13) Transactions Per 24 hours: 11,520,000 Difficulty Retargeting: New D106 Algorithm Maximum Coin Supply: 150 Million Treasury Funding: 5% Per Block SegWit: Active SegWit2x: Active SegWit4x: Active Lightning Network: Compatible Atomic Swaps: Compatible Masternodes: Enabled, Masternodes Collateral: 15,000 MXBIT Masternode Reward: Rebalancing via New Reactive Equilibria (REV1) Algorithm ZSMR: Explicit Masternode Decentralisation Promotion [Zero Reward to Block 50400] ZSIP: Zero Start Instamine Protection [7 Days: 10080 Blocks] Nextrex Netfix collaborates and becomes an exclusive partner with Nextrex Exchange for its technological research and development of cryptocurrency exchange and fintech. Nextrex has 3 cryptocurrencies available for exchange (BTC, BCH, MXBIT) plus, with some of the transaction fees, they make buying and selling cryptocurrencies as affordable as possible. Comparison Coin & Token Rewards Mechanism These are rewards that are distributed to community users for specific activities carried out on the platform. REWARDS MECHANISM NETFIX START UP REWARDS (24H) NETFIX CHAIN REFERRAL REWARDS NETFIX AWARDS NETFIX EXCHANGER REWARD NETFIX LOYALTY REWARDS MY SERVICES Get the app now AVAILABLE ON ALL MAJOR PLATFORM Are You Ready to Get Started? WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR, JOIN RIGHT NOW JOIN NOW copyright © 2019 netfixpay.com en English

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