03 January 2010

Peringatan kepada seluruh alam:

Peringatan kepada seluruh alam:

Melainkan Nabi Isa alaihissalam. Barangsiapa yang berjaya membunuh Dajjal, orang yang membunuh dajjal itulah Dajjal yang sebenarnya.

Kenapa? dalam memerangi Dajjal, setiap insan perlu mempunyai keimanan yang kukuh, dan mantap serta ilmu dan ibadat yang tinggi.

Umat Islam telah dikhabarkan oleh Nabi Muhammad saw bahawa Dajjal akan dibunuh oleh Nabi Isa alaihissalam. Maka tiadalah lagi ada sesiapa yang akan dapat membunuh Dajjal, melainkan Nabi Isa sendiri.

Begitu juga masyarakat barat yang ketika ini sangat bersemangat untuk memerangi Dajjal. Mereka tidak akan pernah berhasil memburu dajjal dan membunuhnya, melainkan jika mereka berjaya membunuhnya, maka merekalah sebenarnya Dajjal itu.

Kerana, apabila mereka bergerak memburu Dajjal, maka mereka tentu tidak akan terlepas daripada membunuh manusia-manusia yang tidak berdosa, mereka juga tentu tidak akan terlepas daripada fitnah dajjal itu sendiri, sehinggakan mereka sendirilah yang akan terkena fitnah.

Apabila mereka hendak menasihatkan orang lain pula, maka mereka mesti pula mengharungi dunia dajjal. Dunia yang penuh dengan segala macam fitnah.

Apabila mereka hendak melepaskan diri dari fitnah dajjal itu, mereka tidak berupaya lagi untuk melepaskan diri, kerana mereka sudah terperangkap oleh fitnah dajjal. Wa iya dzu billah min dzalik.

Maka marilah kita semua berdoa dan berkempen membaca 10 ayat pertama surah al-Kahfi.

Dicatat oleh Muhammad di 18:16 0 ulasan
Jumaat, 2010 Januari 01
Mahathir: US preparing for attack on Iran

Thu, 31 Dec 2009 17:53:43 GMT

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Mahathir Mohamad
The former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad has warned that the US is preparing to launch an attack on Iran with the help of Israel.

"Obama is preparing for a (military) offensive on Iran with the help of his ally, the Israeli regime," IRNA quoted Mohamad as writing on his weblog.

Mahathir said that President Barack Obama, who had received the Nobel Peace Prize, did not fulfill his promises regarding withdrawal of US troops from Iraq and Afghanistan as well as a pledge to close the Guantanamo prison.

Obama "has not even fulfilled one word of his promises," he said.

Mahathir went on to say that the US is expected to launch the war on Iran on the pretext that the Islamic Republic was seeking to build a nuclear bomb.

He said that the US will introduce "forged evidences" showing Iran aims to "start a nuclear war against the world."

Tel Aviv and Washington have never ruled out the possibility of a military strike against Iran, which is accused by the US, Israel and some European countries of aiming to develop nuclear weapons under the cover of its civilian nuclear program.

While categorically denying the allegations, Iran says it has the capability to ward off any attack on the country and has stressed that an Israeli or US strike would meet a 'decisive' response from Tehran.

Iran says its nuclear program is meant to meet the civilian needs of its people and is being pursued within the framework of international atomic agency regulations.

Mahathir also referred to Iraq that came under the occupation of the US and its allies on the pretext that the country has weapons of mass destruction — a claim which proved to be untrue.

He questioned "whether we could believe that the war against Iran will be because of its potential nuclear strike against the world?"

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